Learning objectives

  • Appreciate the multiple forms parasites can take
  • Be able to define general parasite terms (e.g., obligate, facultative, etc.)
  • Understand parasite life history tradeoffs
  • Be able to quantify parasite specialism

Parasite diversity

Byers et al. 2019 PRSB

Parasite diversity

Dallas et al. 2018 GEB

How do we really define parasite diversity?

Diversity in:

  • number (taxonomic)
  • phylogenetic
  • functional
  • infection modes
  • tissue infected
  • impacts
  • host specificity

Diversity in numbers

Diversity in phylogenetics

  • A host is infected with two parasite species
    • they could be closely related parasites, or quite distantly related parasites
  • So when quantifying parasite diversity (either within a region or within a host species), considering the phylogenetic distance between parasites can be used as a measure of diversity

Phylogenetic diversity for free-living animals

  • Take the tree of free-living species
  • Calculate some index of dispersion for species found in the local community
  • Mean pairwise distance is a common one

Quantifying phylogenetic diversity for parasites

  • For a given location or host community, what is the ‘index of dispersion’ for the parasite community?

  • The parasite phylogeny is used to measure phylogenetic diversity, the host phylogeny is used to calculate phylogenetic specificity

Phylogenetic diversity of parasites

What geographic location would be the most phylogenetically diverse for parasites?

Mammmal richness and phylogenetic diversity

a is species diversity, b is phylo diversity; Voskamp et al. 2017 J Biogeography

Host and parasite diversity often related

Dallas et al. 2018 GEB

Phylogenetic specificity across parasite groups

What parasites would be most (or least) phylogenetically specific?

Phylogenetic specificity across parasite groups

  • This is broken down by parasite group and transmission mode

  • More negative values indicate higher phylo-specificity

Park et al. 2018 PRSB

Phylogenetic specificity versus phylogenetic diversity

  • The last slide was phylogenetic specificity (single parasite in host community)

  • Phylogenetic diversity could be defined at the parasite community level, so it would use the parasite phylogeny

  • So keep in mind the distinction here between diversity and specificity

Functional diversity

  • Scientists have been obsessed with functional diversity for the last 15 years or so

  • Argument: quantifying the differences in species traits provides information that the phylogeny may not

  • In free-living species, this would be the variance in host body size or plant height or feeding mode

Functional diversity/specificity

  • For parasite species, it is some measure of the variance in the traits of infected host species ( specificity )

  • For entire parasite communities, it is the variance in traits of the parasites ( diversity )

Can you give me an example of both of these?

Diversity in infection modes

  • macroparasites versus microparasites

  • direct versus indirect transmission

  • simple versus complex life cycle

Env-transmitted pathogen (simple)

Complex life cycle

Diversity in infection modes

  • Six parasite strategies:
    • parasitic castration
    • directly transmitted parasitism
    • trophically-transmitted parasitism
    • vector-transmitted parasitism
    • parasitoidism
    • micropredation

parasitic castrators

  • remove the host’s ability to reproduce
  • take that energy and/or space
  • tradeoff between consumption and longevity faced by parasites

parasitic castrators

directly transmitted parasitism

  • do not require vector
  • this includes environmentally-transmitted pathogens (e.g., cholera)

trophically-transmitted parasitism

  • transmitted through predation of the host
  • complex life cycle parasites
  • can modify host behavior (why?)

vector-transmitted parasitism

  • Rely on other organisms for transmission (e.g., mosquitos, ticks, lice, fleas, etc.)
  • Sometimes reproduce in vector, sometimes only reproduce in definitive host


  • Insects that kill their hosts (so more like predation)
  • Larvae live as parasites within infected host


  • attacks more than one host (reducing each host individual fitness by small amount)

  • e.g., leeches, mosquitos, fleas, ticks, lice

Diversity in tissue infected

  • Tissue tropism: range of host tissue types which the pathogen can infect

  • e.g., viruses tht must bind to specific cell surface receptors to enter a cell

How much diversity is there in tissue tropism?

  • A fair bit, often related to transmission mode

  • Tissue specialist: mumps (parotid salivary glands)

  • Tissue generalist: ebola (monocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells, endothelial cells, fibroblasts, hepatocytes, adrenal cortical cells, and epithelial cells)

Defining tissue tropism is hard

  • Could define by system (e.g., circulatory, hepatic, respiratory, etc.)

  • By organ (e.g., stomach)

  • Or by cell type (e.g., endothelial)

  • Or probably some other ways

Diversity in impacts

  • Some parasites have little impact (e.g., some parasitic worms), some have pronounced impact (e.g., anthrax)

  • Impacts quantified as

    • morbidity/mortality
    • energetic cost to host
    • fitness cost
    • etc.

Diversity in host specificity

  • Host specificity: range and diversity of types of hosts a parasite can infect

  • Generalism versus specialism

  • We’ve talked about specialism in a couple of ways (taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional)

What’s the most generalist parasite you can think of?

End of lecture 1

What have we learned

  • Parasites are cool

  • Parasite diversity can be defined in a bunch of different ways

  • Parasites can be specialists or generalits in different ways

today we will dive into parasite specificity

Why specialize?

  • High infectivity/transmission in preferred host

Why generalize?

  • Need a host to reproduce
  • Potential for invasion of new habitats
  • Co-extinction is bad

How do we quantify parasite specialism?

  • number of host species infected (host range; taxonomic)
  • functional dispersion of host community (functional)
  • phylogenetic dispersion of host community (phylogenetic)

  • relative utilization of different host species (tropism)?

Specialism-generalism tradeoffs

  • Jack of all trades, master of none?

    • Proposes a relationship between ability to infect and host specificity

    • Generalist parasites should tend to infect with low success (reduced prevalence or intensity)

But do we see evidence for this relationship?

Not really (at least for fleas)

  • Why does parasite type matter here?

Krasnov et al. 2004 Am Nat

We don’t see it for Plasmodium in birds either

But there’s a caveat here

  • These figures differ a bit
    • First was mean abundance of flea parasite
    • Second was maximum prevalence in most common host
  • The distribution of prevalence is important here
    • If I infect one host really well, but 5 other hosts less well, how much of a generalist am I?

The costs of being a generalist are difficult to clearly define and test

Let’s look for this relationship in some bigger data

gmpd2 <- gmpd[which(gmpd$Prevalence !=0 & gmpd$Prevalence < 1), ]
gmpd2$Intensity <- as.numeric(gmpd2$Intensity)

gmpd3 <- gmpd2 |> 
   group_by(ParasiteCorrectedName) |> 
      prevalence=mean(Prevalence, na.rm=TRUE), 
      intensity=mean(Intensity, na.rm=TRUE), 
            maxPrev=max(Prevalence, na.rm=TRUE),
            maxInt=max(Intensity, na.rm=TRUE),

Let’s look for this relationship in some bigger data

Host-parasite coevolution

  • Infection is costly to hosts in terms of fitness, leading to evolution of host defenses

  • Parasites want to infect, leading to evolution of novel infection strategies

Host-parasite coevolution

  • Possible trajectories of host-parasite coevolution

Buckingham & Ashby 2022 J Evol Biol

Host-parasite coevolution

  • The difference between deterministic and stochastic systems

Buckingham & Ashby 2022 J Evol Biol

Host-parasite coevolution

  • Resistance evolution as a function of the cost on host fitness

Buckingham & Ashby 2022 J Evol Biol

Host-parasite coevolution

  • This cyclic pattern of selection/evolution is often referred to as Red Queen dynamics

  • Idea comes from Through the Looking Glass, where the Alice was running just to keep her place

What happens when resistance is either cheap or hugely beneficial?

What happens when resistance is either cheap or hugely beneficial?

Cooke et al. 2023 Epidemiol Infect

Why is this not a great example of Red Queen dynamics?

What is the “goal” of the parasite?

  • To reproduce. So it doesn’t really want to kill the host, right?

  • But it also has to reproduce and consume some aspect of the host, which comes at a fitness consequence for the host.

  • There’s a conflicting balance between

    • trying to reproduce (which causes harm to host)
    • flying under the radar (transmission to the next host)

optimal virulence

  • Virulence: pathogen-induced mortality of infected host

  • Pathogen needs to grow in infected host, but dead hosts don’t transmit

  • So the optimal strategy is not maximal virulence, but some intermediate (or even low) virulence

What examples do you know of related to changes in virulence in an evolving pathogen?

Many SARS-COV2 strains through time

  • Initial strain had highest pathogenicity (even though we saw greatest mortality with Alpha)
  • Omicron has the lowest pathogenicity

How have we used virulence evolution to our benefit?

  • the creation of live attenuated vaccines

  • live vaccines use avirulent strains of the pathogen to induce host immune memory

  • e.g., Sabin (oral) polio vaccine; the measles, mumps, rubella, yellow fever, and chicken pox (varicella) vaccines; one of the influenza vaccines (flu mist); the tuberculosis (BCG) vaccine; etc. etc.

What parasites would not follow this general pattern of virulence attenuation?

  • Fungal pathogens, generally
  • Pathogens with a long-lived environmental stage (e.g., anthrax)

optimal virulence

  • Essentially a balance between parasite growth and host exploitation

  • Idea in this tradeoff model is to maximize lifetime transmission success (LTS)

  • This leads to a non-linear relationship between LTS and virulence

the ideal parasite maximizes LTS

optimal virulence

  • LTS is y-axis, virulence is x-axis

Jensen et al. 2006 PLoS Biology

But we’ve only been thinking about parasite evolution

  • It takes two to Red Queen, so we might expect hosts to evolve resistance

  • And they do, but sometimes they don’t

Why would a host not evolve resistance to a parasite?

  • parasite does not impact host fitness too much
  • resistance is costly
  • they simply can’t (it’s not really a choice, right?)

Resistance-tolerance tradeoffs

  • A host can evolve to resist the effects of a parasite or to reduce parasite impacts

  • These are often depicted as two separate responses to parasite pressure

  • Resistance : infected hosts actively reduce parasite burden

  • Tolerance : infected hosts try to limit damage to host fitness

Resistance-tolerance tradeoffs

  • This happens at individual level, but with implications to evolutionary trajectories

  • Host fitness at one generation determines the allele frequency in the next

  • So if tolerant hosts have highest fitness, it might result in evolution towards tolerating the parasite

  • But at the population-level, this is a bad strategy (unless you’re a bat)

Why is tolerance a bad population-level strategy?

Let’s end on a community note

  • Parasites can exert pressures on host communities

  • Differential effects on host species can drive interesting dynamics

Rohr & Best 2010 Functional Ecology