Environmentally-transmitted disease

  • In 1990, 76% of pop had access to ‘improved drinking water’. Up to 91% by 2015

  • This still leaves 663 million people relying on unimproved sources, including 159 million dependent on surface water

  • 1.8 billion people use drinking water source contaminated with feces

  • Water-borne disease, especially for fecal-oral pathogens, is a huge risk to these populations

  • Contaminated water causes at around 500k diarrhoeal deaths per year

Water-borne disease

  • Bacteria (salmonellosis, shigellosis, leptospirosis, typhoid fever, cholera)

  • Viruses (rotavirus, norovirus, hepatitis A)

  • Protozoa (ascaris, ringworm, crytposporidiosis)

Reservoirs in the water include the sediment and biota (e.g., snails)


  • fecal-oral (enteric)

    • direct ingestion
    • indirect ingestion
  • dermal

  • wound

  • eyes

  • ears

Risk and illness often proportional to duration of exposure and pollution level

Risk and illness is related to susceptibility (age, immune status, etc.)

Barriers to transmission


  • Improved sanitation

  • Improved water distribution infrastructure


  • Treatment of disease

  • Isolation of cases

Improved sanitation

Improved sanitation

Improved sanitation

Improved hygeine/access/infrastructure

Improved hygeine/access/infrastructure

Improved hygeine/access/infrastructure

Case study: Cholera

Sanitation, hygeine, environment, etc.

  • Cholera is a tough one (known since Hippocrates ~450 BC)

  • First epidemic described in 1563 in India

  • 7 known cholera pandemics (7th was in 1961)

History of Cholera

  • Cholera linked to water-borne transmission in 1854

  • 500+ fatal cases over 10 days during London cholera outbreak

  • Linked to a single water pump (Broad St. pump)

  • John Snow identified and disabled the pump handle

  • Robert Koch isolated bacteria (Vibrio cholerae) in 1883

Vibrio cholerae

  • Infection via

    • water
    • shellfish
    • person-to-person
  • Only freshwater Vibrio species

  • Water temperature constrains pathogen growth and survival

Vibrio cholerae

Vibrio cholerae

  • But can also grow on biofilms and in other aquatic species




Cholera prevention

  • improved infrastructure

  • filtering water

  • treating water

an ongoing problem, as the disease spreads incredibly quickly

How we model environmentally-transmitted pathogens?

The standard SIR

\[ \begin{aligned} \frac{dS}{dt} &= -\beta SI \\ \frac{dI}{dt} &= \beta SI - dI \\ \frac{dR}{dt} &= dI \end{aligned} \]

How we model environmentally-transmitted pathogens?

Environmental SIR

\[ \begin{aligned} \frac{dS}{dt} &= -\beta SP \\ \frac{dI}{dt} &= \beta SP - dI \\ \frac{dR}{dt} &= dI \\ \frac{dP}{dt} &= bP + \omega I - cP \end{aligned} \]

\(b\) : pathogen growth in the environment

\(\omega\) : infected host shedding

\(c\) : pathogen death rate

Model dynamics

What happens when the pathogen can survive a bit better in the environment?

Bad stuff


We could go into how we would go about calculating \(R_0\) here…but…

  • it involves a Jacobian matrix, some linear algebra like …

Why does it get so rough to compute?

  • \(R_0\) calculation is based on infective stages

  • When we had 1 infective stage (\(I\)), it was easy to solve

  • But \(P\) is also an infective stage here

Bani-Yaghoub et al. 2012 J of Biological Dynamics

Questions to think about

  • How would each of those parameters in the model influence resulting disease dynamics?

  • What are some other control measures we did not discuss?

  • What determines how we should allocate resources to different control measures?

End of lecture 1

What have we learned?

  • Environmentally-transmitted diseases are a big deal

  • Modeling environmentally-transmitted disease represents some interesting challenges

  • Don’t drink out of streams!

Sexually-transmitted infections

  • Pathogens that are transmitted through sexual contact


  • Frequency-dependent transmission
  • Less virulent and generally more asymptomatic than other diseases
    • good cases of virulence evolution towards reduced virulence
  • Some symptoms definitely don’t help with transmission (e.g., postules)
  • Can include micro (bacteria, fungi, viruses) and macroparasites (lice)
  • Can have serious consequences (e.g., monkeypox, HIV, etc.)

Sexually Transmitted Diseases issue 48(4) 2021

Sexually Transmitted Diseases issue 48(4) 2021

Sexually Transmitted Diseases issue 48(4) 2021

why should we in particular care?

  • SC has some of the highest rates of common STIs

Not just a human problem

  • We will talk about STIs in humans, plants, and animals

  • The reason why this is an entirely different lecture is so we can talk about how we model these types of diseases

  • 200 STIs in 27 orders of hosts (that we know of)

  • mammals, birds, insects, earthworms, snails, etc. etc.





Chlamydia in animals (Koalas!)

  • Different pathology than in humans

  • Infects eyes, leaving them partially or wholly blind

  • Infect urogenital tracts, resulting in co-infection with bacteria and the bad effects of that (bladder inflamation/kidney issues)

  • Some populations with extremely high prevalence, as a result of numerous transmission pathways

  • 8+ species of Chlamydia, most host-specific (3 or so infect humans)


  • Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacterium

  • High tissue tropism (cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, urethra, mucuous membranes of mouth/throat/eyes)



The global burden of STIs

Zheng et al. 2021 Lancet Infectious Diseases

The global burden of STIs

Zheng et al. 2021 Lancet Infectious Diseases

What is the most common STI in humans?

  • HPV (Human papillomavirus)

  • Why?

    • 100 varieties, often no symptoms, very transmissible (skin to skin contact)
    • Sometimes referred to as the ‘cost of being sexually active’
  • Linked to multiple types of cancer

  • HPV vaccine exists

Insect STIs

  • STIs are far from a human (or even animal) issue
  • A review found evidence for 73 parasite species of insects capable of sexual transmission
  • Most of these were multi-cellular ectoparasites (which is different from humans and plants)
  • Life history determines number of STIs (need overlapping adult generations to persist)

Knell and Webberley 2003 Biological Reviews

Plant STIs

  • Corn smut (similar transmission pathway and tissue tropism as other smut species)

  • Fungal pathogen

  • Infects ovaries of plants creating galls of 4-5 inches

  • Infected corn can be eaten, and is delicious (huitlacoche originated from Aztec cuisine, but is fairly common in contemporary Mexican cuisine)

Vertical transmission

  • Infected mothers can pass the disease

    • either through placenta or at birth
  • Multiple transmission modes and asymptomatic infections makes STIs tough to treat

  • e.g., HIV, gonorrhea, and chlamydia

What’s the perfect STI?

  • no symptoms

  • long persistent infection

  • non-virulent

  • resistant (or quickly evolving)

Antibiotic resistance

  • Many common STIs are increasingly becoming resistant to antibiotics

  • How does this happen?

Tien et al. 2019 J of Travel Medicine

Antibiotic resistance


modeling STIs

  • importance of contact
  • frequency-dependent transmission

Transmission is rarely from environment

Transmission depends largely on sexual contact

  • So we must consider the network of sexual contacts to understand disease spread

  • The role of the few

    • hubs in networks drive infection patterns, and sex contact networks tend to be a bit hubby

Network models

How infection occurs on a network

SIR model on network

g <- sample_gnm(100, 100)
sm <- igraph::sir(g, beta=5, gamma=1)

How important is network structure?

  • Here is an epidemic on a random graph (Sexual contact networks are very non-random though)

  • The idea of preferential attachment (remember aggregation lecture?)

Degree distribution and link aggregation

  • We talked about aggregation of parasites within hosts, leading to heavy-tailed distributions of parasite diversity and infection intensity

Degree distribution and link aggregation

  • The distribution of number of sexual partners is also heavy-tailed

How we simulate infection

  • pick a random node to infect

  • probabilistic infection process of sexual contacts of infected individuals

  • recovery of infected individuals occurs at rate \(\gamma\)

Epidemic size on these different graphs

g0SIR <- SIRnetwork(g0, gamma=0.8)
r0SIR <- SIRnetwork(r0, gamma=0.8)
g1SIR <- SIRnetwork(g1, gamma=0.8)
g2SIR <- SIRnetwork(g2, gamma=0.8)

epidemicSize <- c(r0SIR$R[100], g0SIR$R[100], 
  g1SIR$R[100], g2SIR$R[100])

## [1]  81 100 100 100

But recall that infection is probabilistic

  • I run that code again and I get a different result (maybe)
g0SIR <- SIRnetwork(g0, gamma=0.8)
r0SIR <- SIRnetwork(r0, gamma=0.8)
g1SIR <- SIRnetwork(g1, gamma=0.8)
g2SIR <- SIRnetwork(g2, gamma=0.8)

epidemicSize <- c(r0SIR$R[100], g0SIR$R[100], 
  g1SIR$R[100], g2SIR$R[100])

## [1]  81 100 100 100

Let’s run it 20 times

The role of connectance

  • All the networks above had the same number of nodes (people) and the same number of edges (sexual contact links)

  • Connectance is the fraction of realized links in the network

    • Value of 1 means every single node is connected to every single other node
    • Value of 0 means nobody is connected to anyone
  • This is super important to disease spread, as it determines transmission


cSIR <- lapply(cG, SIRnetwork, gamma=0.8)
epidemicSize <- sapply(cSIR, function(x){x$R[100]})
## [1]   5  81  94 100 100 100


plot(x=con, y=epidemicSize, col='dodgerblue', 
  pch=16, las=1, type='b', cex=1.5, 
  ylab='Epidemic size', xlab='Connectance')

The role of initial infection

  • The randomness in these simulations is not only due to the probabilistic infection process

  • The initial person infected is chosen randomly

  • What makes a node “good” at spreading disease?

What are some assumptions the model makes?

  • Transmission is equally likely for all individuals
  • No sex structure (everyone is just as likely to have sex with any other node)
  • others?

How would we start to calculate \(R_0\) here?

\[ R_0 = \dfrac{\beta}{\gamma} \]

  • This ignores all the fun bits about network structure and connectance

  • This is from a model that assumes that all individuals contact all other individuals

  • So a better \(R_0\) would be something like …

  • \(R_0\) = infection parameters x network structure

Most common approach

\[ R_0 = \dfrac{\beta}{\gamma} \times \dfrac{\sigma_{\langle k \rangle}}{\langle k \rangle} \]

McKee & Dallas 2024 Infectious Disease Modeling

Things that complicate this approach

  • The only important part of network structure is the variance in degree divided by the mean?

    • Many different graph structures can have the same var/mean relationship, but have wildly different disease dynamics
  • Does not incorporate individual variation in infection probability (above we treated \(\beta = 1\))

  • Host behavior is important

The role of host behavior

  • Avoidance behaviors

Stockmaier et al. 2021 Science

Stockmaier et al. 2021 Science

Questions to think about

  • How would mitigation efforts differ between environmentally-transmitted diseases and sexually-transmitted pathogens?

  • How would you design a mitigation strategy for an STI?

  • Why don’t we model other infectious disease using networks?